Gift Giving Ideas – GiftBook by

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Mothers Day ideas

Preparing Mother’s Day Gifts with Kids

Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to celebrate mothers all around the world! Children are especially excited to show appreciation for their moms by making them beautiful and sentimental gifts and crafts. These crafts projects are easy for kids to make, and they will mean the world to their mothers! Let them treat mom like a queen on her special day. Give them some ideas for small tokens they can create with a little adult supervision. Whether the gifts are decorative keepsakes or useful household items, mom will treasure them for a lifetime.  Consider Mom’s favorite colors, flowers and hobbies to come up with ideas she will love. Here’s some tips how to get started making this Mother’s Day the best ever.

Make a Card

No Mother’s Day is complete without a handmade card. Cards are easy and fun to make for kids of all ages. Sit down with your children with some simple materials like card-stock or a piece of paper or cardboard to fold into a card, crayons and paints, cut-out pictures and glue, stickers, glitter, buttons or ribbons which will help to create a pretty one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day card. You can easily turn the card into a gift by adding a bookmark made from a long rectangle of card. Decorate the bookmark to match the card. Write a favorite saying or short poem on the bookmark. Be prepared for a mess to clean up, but it will be worth it when Mom opens the card and there are tears in her eyes. Remember, there’s nothing more special to a mother than her child’s art work! There will always be a place for it on the refrigerator or in a scrapbook.

Make a Bouquet

Flowers bought in a store are definitely nice and easy to get but… it’s springtime! Take the kids out for a walk in a field, forest or garden and pick fresh spring flowers for your own bouquet. Tie the flowers with a bow or arrange them in a vase, use glue to attach pretty ribbons or cloth. If you want to be even more creative give the children a clean, empty metal can or bottle without a lid and ask them to glue colorful construction paper around it. The children can also decorate the cans with stamps, glitter and markers. That’s their creativity and thoughtfulness that Moms appreciate the most!

Make a Photo Book

Make a memory photo book for Mother’s Day. Attach pictures on one side of a photo album page. On the other page write stories or poems about your favorite memories with Mom. Let the kids make the cover of the photo album using family pictures, stickers, and any other arts and craft materials.

Make a Dinner

Giving your mom a day off from kitchen can be just what she needs on Mother’s Day! Unfortunately all restaurants are often crowded and hard to book on this day so why not packing a picnic instead! A few plates, sandwiches, and a drink may not be a gourmet meal but it’s fun, the family is together, and Mom still doesn’t have to clean the kitchen afterwards.

Instead of a picnic you can always make a surprise dinner for Mom. Cooking is another fun thing to do for children! Choose Mom’s favorite dish but make sure it will be easy enough to prepare together with the kids. Treat her with a homemade cake or cupcakes for a dessert. Be creative with the design and don’t forget to embellish it with a simple piped message such as “Best Mom Ever,” “I Love You, Mom” or “Happy Mother’s Day.”

Nothing says “Happy Mother’s Day” better than a complimentary handmade keepsake from children given together with a main Mother’s Day gift. What better day to combine children’s love of creative expression and gift creation than Mother’s Day? Simple crafts allow younger children to make tokens of their love while embellished or complex crafts can be executed by older kids. With a little creativity and preparation, you can help children of all ages create a homemade craft for mom she will treasure for a lifetime!

Mother’s Day Gifts and Flowers Ideas 2013

Mother’s Day, a wonderful holiday widely celebrated worldwide honoring mothers and motherhood, is coming!

Watch this video to get some great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts for the most important women in your life…

your Mom, who is always there for you…
Your Wife or Girlfriend, who loves you for who you are…
Your Sister, who supports you every day…
Your Friend, who never lets you down…