Gift Giving Ideas – GiftBook by

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How To Take Gifting to The Next Level with Human-to-Human Thinking: Gift Baskets Overseas Podcast

Today’s episode of Long-Distance Short, How To Take Gifting to The Next Level with Human-to-Human Thinking, dives into the exciting world of international gifting trends and the rise of human-to-human connections. Join Natasha K., Marketing Director at Gift Baskets Overseas, as she interviews Dmitriy Peregudov, Founder and Chief Gift Officer of Gift Baskets Overseas and Giftsenda.  Together, the two are here to walk you through corporate gifting trends and tips, how to navigate cultural differences, and the power of building human connections with personal gifts. Stay tuned to listen to these insights from an international gifting expert!

Building Business Relationships: a Customer Interview with Deborah Douglas – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 9

Welcome, to another episode of Long Distance Short. Today’s host, Sempronia, sits down with a long-term valued client: Deborah Douglas, Senior Executive Assistant at the Will-Burt Company to discuss building business relationships!

Deborah graciously opened up about her experiences using to send gifts to valued customers and team members for 14 years. Together, the two dive into the importance of building relationships in business and the power of personalized attention. Keep listening to learn more about the power of corporate gifts and how GBO can make sending them around the world quick and easy!

Employee Appreciation Gifts a Customer Interview with Linda Kvaase – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 8

Welcome, to another episode of Long Distance Short. Today’s host, Sempronia, got to sit down with a valued Gift Baskets Overseas corporate customer Linda Kvaase, Senior Executive Administrator for Uniform. Linda is kind enough to open up about her experience sending gifts on behalf of her company using Together the two dive into the importance of corporate gifting, how to save time and effort with one-stop shopping, and the value of employee appreciation gifts.

How to Onboard a Corporate Gift Vendor – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 7

Welcome, to another episode of Long Distance Short. Today’s host is Sempronia, interviewing two very special guests – Katrina – the Supplier Relations Manager at, and Olivia – the Manager of Gift Baskets Overseas’ Corporate Specialists team.  Together, these three dive into the world of corporate gift vendors. Taking a look at why companies everywhere are looking for corporate gift vendors, how to onboard a corporate gift vendor, and how the process can save you time and money while also giving you peace of mind.

Keep listening to hear about the perks of corporate gift vendors and how your team can onboard the international gift experts at

Cultural Differences in Gift Giving – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 6

Long Distance Short is back with another episode filled with gift-giving tips! Natasha, Director Of Digital Marketing at Gift Baskets Overseas, brings us a new guest: Larissa Heler — Gift Baskets Overseas Brand Manager in Europe — to talk about the very core of gift-giving: cultural differences and how to navigate them.  From the cost of your gift to the kinds of products you include, different countries find different things acceptable and knowing the local gift customs can save you from misunderstandings.  Stay tuned to learn about the cultural differences and considerations you should think about when sending corporate and personal gifts internationally.

How Gifting Impacts Conversions in Your Industry – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 5

“Long Distance Short” is back with another episode to help you unlock the power of gifts. Natasha, Director of Digital Marketing at Gift Baskets Overseas, brings us a new guest — Marianne, Digital Marketing and Brand Manager for Giftsenda. Both are ready to dive deep into the topic: how gifting impacts conversions in your industry. This data-driven deep dive will answer your questions about how impactful gifts are to your bottom line, and give you tips and tricks to improve your team’s performance. Stay tuned to learn more about the unconventional ways to boost your conversions, and leave your VIPs smiling!

Corporate Gift Services Overview – Gift Baskets Overseas Corporate Podcast ep. 4

Hi everyone, and welcome back to another episode of “Long Distance Short”. Today, we are going to do a corporate gift services overview, and I’m gonna be your host — and interviewee; that’s right, it’s a solo episode with me, Sempronia! I am the, um… I can’t say catch-all anymore for, but I’ve worked here for nine years, and I’ve filled nearly every role in the company since then. I’ve truly had a very unique experience to get to learn this business from inside out, from nearly every angle, and yes, that includes being a customer!

Are Gifts Tax Deductible? Conversation with Gift Baskets Overseas CEO

Are Gifts Tax Deductible? Long Distance Short is continuing on the quest to unwrap the mysteries behind staying connected through gifts. Natasha, Director of Digital Marketing at Gift Baskets Overseas, has managed to coax a special guest onto today’s episode: the founder, CEO, and Chief Gift Officer at — Dmitry Peregudov — is here to answer one burning question of the business industry: “Are gifts taxable?” Stay tuned to hear what the man behind the leading international gift basket company has to say about gifts, taxes, and how your company can make the most of each and every gift you send.

GBO Customer Success Story: “I have been using Gift Baskets Overseas for Years!”

Long Distance Short is finally back! It’s with great excitement that I announce that I am going to be a new host of our podcast and today we are going to kick it off with a customer interview! Our guest today, Amy T, works for a large tech company and has been a long-time customer of Gift Baskets Overseas. Stick around to hear this GBO customer success story and her take on the ups and downs of corporate gift campaigns, and learn just how the Corporate Gift Experts at GBO have made her life easier. Never fret – if you prefer to read about Amy’s adventures we have the transcript ready for you as well!

Corporate Gifts To Avoid: When Generosity Hurts Relationships

I first heard this question reiterated to me by our Sales Team manager as coming from one of the corporate customers of Gift Baskets Overseas. Can gifts really hurt productive work or business relationships? What exactly should one consider to make a gift efficient and help secure a deal or improve loyalty, not decrease it? It’s something gift consultants deal with all the time. Ethical and cultural aspects relevant both for the gift giver and the recipient, what’s appropriate and what can be a bit too much, how to not overstep… So, today we are diving into the topic of corporate gifts to avoid!