Think you have an unusual gift idea? Here’s how other people like to impress!
Working in a company like (GBO) is like visiting Disneyland for the first time. Every day is something new and exciting, you never know who you are going to meet or what is going to surprise you. Perhaps the most interesting part of being a GBO team member is dealing with customers with unusual, or sometimes even mind-blowing, order requests.
Our customer support members have seen and heard it all, literally. From customers asking to organize a surprise concert with their recipient’s favorite band to delivering a coffin with a single rose inside. We took a vote and are excited to bring to you the 3 most usual orders our team has had the privilege to handle: so far!
Starting with third place: a STEAK! But not just any steak, no this customer wanted to help their loved one celebrate their birthday with a juicy birthday steak. We really went the distance with this order, down to the small detail of making sure there were birthday candles sticking out of a mouth-watering 16 oz, medium rare slab o’beef – perfectly seared, of course.
Honestly, while unusual, we’re pretty sure this birthday steak thing could catch on!
Coming up in a close second place: a DRUM. But not just any drum, this one had to be covered with a skin of a young goat. The client made it clear the goat had to be young and there was no room to argue. We don’t know exactly why it was so important, but we do our best to always deliver what the customer asks for as closely as possible.
When you deal with global gift delivery, you’re bound to get orders that seem a little weird to you. That’s the beauty of our business! We get to learn about new cultures and traditions. It really helps our whole team keep in mind that what seems like a normal gift to us may be a huge no-no in another part of the world.
And finally first place – a MALTESE PUPPY. This might not sound that exotic, but delivering a live animal as a gift anywhere in the world is tricky. Finding a specific breed of dog, in good health, from a reliable seller that is ready and able to be safely delivered is a very tall order.
In the end, the logistics of the order, as well as the request itself, made this our most memorable and unique order to date! But really, getting a cute pet sent right to you, we admit it, we were jealous!
We can go on and on with the list of unusual custom orders we receive and successfully fulfill every month. The ability of our team members to go above and beyond at work only makes such requests more popular among our customers. Stay tuned and we’ll continue sharing our unusual experience with you!
Now, You’re All Ready For Gift Giving – What’s Next?
- Start preparing for upcoming holidays and special occasions. Browse gifts to USA, UK & 200 countries, and make sure your gifts are delivered on time!
- Want to keep reading? Check out our Unusual Yet Romantic Gifts.
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