Summer is coming to an end, and it’s time to prepare for another school year. However, back-to-school planning may look a little different this time around. As a parent, not only must you ensure that the kids stock up on stationery, but navigating post-Covid anxiety is now on the to-do list as well. And, considering that most learners have not experienced consistent in-person schooling since March 2020, ‘first day jitters’ suddenly have a whole new meaning.
But, fret not. There are simple ways you can make back to school a success! Start by reminding yourself that returning to school is a good thing, especially if you’re a student. School provides an environment for vital social interaction during our developmental years. And during the midst of the pandemic, these interactions were almost non-existent. As the world attempts to jump back into routine, we’d like to help you do the same. Read below as we share a few tips to help parents, students, and teachers conquer a new school year.

Back to School Tips After COVID
It’s probably been said a million times, in a million different ways, but the world has undoubtedly changed over the past 2 or 3 years. And this means that both parents and students can anticipate a ‘new normal. But, whether your child is craving face-to-face interaction or they are anxious at the thought of leaving the house, there are ways to attain peace of mind:
Back to School Tips For Parents
1. Stay Informed
The best thing you can do as a parent is to stay updated. Most schools send out emails or other communications to keep parents in the loop. Sign up for newsletters, and attend information sessions as often as possible. This will be especially important if you want to know how schools plan to help children return safely.
2. Inform Your Child
Of course, most schools will educate their learners on how to stay safe. But, you can make the back-to-school transition even easier if you teach them certain habits at home. Make sure that your child understands Covid-safety and gets into the habit of washing their hands and wearing a mask (if necessary), etc.
3. Be Supportive
s we mentioned, going back to school is a good thing! And you should try your best to let your child see it this way. Allow them to express their feelings about returning to school and create a discussion around how staying safe can ease their anxiety. If they’re looking forward to it, that’s great! But, still emphasize the importance of following school and Covid safety protocols.
Back to School Tips For Students
1. Establish a Routine
Creating structure is the best way to navigate through times of uncertainty. If you thought having a routine was important pre-pandemic, it will probably be your saving grace for going back to school this year. If you can, try and get into a routine just before school starts. So, when it’s time to go back, you’ll already be in the right mindset to take on the new year.
2. Practice Good Hygiene
This tip goes without saying. And although Covid-safety rules are becoming less strict (some schools may not even enforce wearing masks anymore), it’s still essential to have strong hygiene habits.
3. Remember to Breathe, and Take a Break
This tip ties in with developing a structure for yourself. Having a good routine also means having time to relax, be with friends, or do something you enjoy!

What Does Back to School Look Like in Different Countries?
Since 2020, schools across the globe have had to contend with sporadic closures and have had to turn to distance learning tools. All while simultaneously maintaining both students’ and teachers’ well-being. The key question is whether families and learners will experience more setbacks, or will this year be a turning point for worldwide education systems? Learn more as we unpack what back to school looks like post-Covid in different countries:
Denmark was one of the first European countries to go into lockdown. However, they were also the first to welcome children back to school in April 2020. Presently, desks in classrooms are spaced 2 meters apart. And children between the ages of 2-12 are sectioned into separate groups called ‘protective bubbles’. Since students make up about 10% of the Danish population, this country continues to prioritize hygiene and social distancing in schools post-Covid.
Many schools in Australia have eased Covid restrictions as the new year welcomes back sporting events, school camps, and teacher-parent conferences. However, the wearing of masks and social distancing is still encouraged. And if a student tests positive, measures are in place to avoid having to send dozens of learners into isolation.
A positive case in nurseries and kindergartens in Italy calls for the institution to shut down for 10 days because children can still not be vaccinated. If a learner tests positive in a primary school, their fellow class members will be tested immediately. It is followed by another test 5 days after. Students who test positive are currently reverting to 10 days of remote learning.
Back to School Gifts
Going back to school can be a trying time for everyone involved. But, as gift experts, we know that a well-timed gift can always relieve some stress. Have a look at our back to school gift suggestions to make sure your recipient starts the year on a good note:
Gifts for High School Students
High school is one of the most stressful times in one’s life. But, looking for a gift for a teenager probably comes in first place. Not to worry, though; we’re here to help! Start by researching the latest trends and combine your findings with your recipient’s interests. Electronics are always a win with the young ones. In comparison, the trendiest backpack, a stylish pencil bag, or stationery will also have you in their good books.
Gifts for University Students
If your recipient is in college, they’ve got a lot on their to-do list. Why not gift them with some organization? A diary or year planner will be a much-appreciated and necessary gift. Students can also never have too many portable chargers, hard drives, or flash drives! If you wish to send something a little more personal; night lamps, a coffee maker, and snack gift baskets will get them through their all-nighter study sessions.
Gifts for Kids
Sending the right back-to-school gift to your favorite little one can take some stress away from their parents. Convenient lunch boxes, a leak-proof water bottle, and sticker labels are all items they’d love to tick off the list. But, if you want to send something a little more fun, find toys, crayons, games, and much more in our gifts for kids catalog!
Gifts for Teachers
Teachers play an important role in helping kids transition, and back to school post-Covid is no exception. They definitely deserve a gift! Send some appreciation their way with school and office supplies. If you want to send something more personalized, make it a good bottle of wine, a book, or some delicious chocolates.

You’re Ready for the New School Year!
Returning to school after the pandemic may look different in various parts of the world. However, the key to succeeding remains the same. As summer comes to an end, try to create a routine that has you feeling your best. Whether you’re a parent or a student, this can help a ton once the first day of school arrives. Remember to stay informed and create conversations about post-Covid anxiety with those whom you trust. Our team at GBO wishes you the best of luck with the new school year!
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Alex is a hopeless romantic who was supposed to be born in Italy (her dream destination), but proud to be South African nonetheless. She lives by her heart, and, consequentially, leaves a little bit of herself in everything she writes. She wholeheartedly believes that mermaids (and fairies) exist and is deadly afraid of the age ’30’.