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Toni T

Toni is a writer, mother, amateur makeup artist, and coffee addict -- not necessarily in that order! A lover of all things vintage, she's an encyclopedia of useless 80's trivia and adores a bold red lip. She is a second-generation Greek American with dreams of traveling abroad to see the land on which her ancestors walked but, for now, she resides in the 'burbs of New Jersey with her husband and children.

From Martyrdom to Matchmaking: The Real History of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, the setting looks something like this: Love is in the air and romance abounds. Look over there — is that Cupid with his arrow pointed right at you? 

Um … hello? Did you fall asleep? 

What if I told you that Valentine’s Day originated as a ceremonial feast to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr. 

Have I got your attention now? Good! 

The history of Valentine’s Day wasn’t always cards, flowers, and candy. So, how did Valentine’s day go from execution to amour? You’ll have to keep reading to find out! 

The Real History of Valentine's Day: Gift Baskets Overseas Blog

Summertime Noel – Celebrating Christmas in Brazil

Christmas traditions in Brazil have a rich history and are always lively and exciting, much like Brazilian culture. Christmas in Brazil is one of the most important days and the Brazilian people wait anxiously for quality time with family, food, and celebration. 

Being a predominantly Catholic country, Brazil celebrates Christmas the way most Western European countries and the US do, with just a few interesting and fun details that are unique to the country’s vibrant heritage. If you’ve ever wondered how people celebrate Christmas in Brazil, you came to the right place. 

Christmas in Brazil: Snowy Background with countdown clock and ornaments.